The World Is Moving Fast, I Help You Stay Ahead

Tech-Lead and CTO Coaching

Contact me now

Leading a Tech Team Is a Big Challenge

Chief technology officers, tech leads, or software architects need to cope with countless requirements and are facing high expectations. 

  • You are expected to deliver and maintain a stable, flexible, and scalable tech platform that supports and enables a thriving business
  • You own the development process and must form a motivating culture for your team
  • You are responsible for the technical vision, strategy, and architecture of your system
  • You must educate your peers on technology topics, so they can support and understand technical decisions

What Others Say About Me

Stefan W. Mückstein
Co-Founder & CTO
Starflows Cloudomation

Simon regularly assists me with the "tough questions" of software architecture. He is amazingly quick to follow my thoughts, no matter which random topic I throw at him. His recommendations are versatile and comprehensive, and at the same time cater to my particular needs.

Martin Weber, MSc
TeamEcho GmbH

Simon Lasselsberger hat uns mit seiner Erfahrung bei der Skalierung unseres Development Teams unterstützt. Wir haben gemeinsam mit Ihm Strategien zur Entwicklung der Softwarearchitektur aber auch der damit einhergehenden Entwicklung der Teamstruktur erarbeitet.

Christian Kaar, MSc
former CTO & Co-Founder
Runtastic GmbH

Although his know-how and professional skills are a tremendous benefit, what additionally makes Simon a precious team member is the respectful and exemplary way he interacts and socialized with team members and his exemplary sense for team dynamics.

You can find more testimonials
on my LinkedIn profile

The Stakes Are High ...

… with most of your decisions. Getting them wrong is costly and critical for your business (especially for Startups). On the way to a successful business, you might need to decide how to answer some of these questions:

  • How can you scale the system?
  • When and how should you split your team?
  • Does your architecture support your team setup?
  • How to balance fixing technical debt vs. implementing new features?

Sadly, you won’t find proper answers on Google or Stack Overflow because the requirements and your current conditions are highly individual.

In personal one-on-one coaching sessions, I will help you dig into your current and future challenges to find solutions that are actionable and make you stay on top of your game.

Never Stop Learning

​You expect your team members to deliver great quality. To do so, they must educate themselves and never stop learning.

You as a technical leader should do so as well. Invest in yourself, by reading books and blog posts, going to conferences or watching talks online, or by booking regular one-on-one coaching sessions with me.

Find out more about me in this interview in the factory300 Community Chats series.

Simon Lasselsberger played a leading role in ensuring that the Runtastic software architecture easily coped with a mega-user growth and that the performance was always top-notch. He tells how he is now helping startups prepare just as perfectly for growth in the community chat.

– factory300

The video is in German, if you’d like to get a personal introduction in English, give me a call.

My Experience Is Your Advantage

Over more than ten years, I’ve worked with small startups as well as global companies like adidas. I helped them implement their business ideas by creating technical plans and by guiding their development, management, and founder teams through projects. The proudest, I am about the success we had with Runtastic. They got acquired by adidas in 2015 for €220 million.

Simon Lasselsberger
Founder Lasssim,
Software Architecture and Development Expert

How Does It Work?

Get in Touch

Let's do a quick introduction call first, so we can get to know each other. (~30 minutes)

Schedule Regular Meetings

We will figure out a regular meeting schedule. Weekly or bi-weekly meetings from one to two hours have proven to be efficient.

Remote Coaching Sessions

We will meet regularly in a remote video call. Usually, I use Google Meet, but I'm happy to use any other tool you like.

Coaching Sessions

Give Me Context

In the first meeting, I will ask you to give me an overview of your company, your technical system, your team, and your current challenges. We will prioritize the topics and compile a list.

Working on Challenges

We will pick topics from the list or pick a currently pressing topic. We will discuss, sketch or brainstorm on it to find practical and actionable steps to move forward.


I will document the outcome of our meetings. You will get access to the documentation via a private GitHub repository and a password-protected Website.

Contact me anytime!

Software Architecture and Development Expert