I spent Valentines Day with a model…

Oh, Valentine’s Day … February 14th is widely regarded as the day of expressing love. Couples worldwide look forward to spending time with each other. Regardless of your relationship status, I’d like to remind you that there are other things out there that deserve our love, like software architecture ❤️

Whatever you decide to do on Valentine’s Day this year – you can’t go wrong with a thoughtful and sweet card. You are welcome to share my Valentine’s card design with your loved ones 😉.

Making the world a better and more loving place is everyone’s responsibility. Have a great Valentine’s Day and start of the Week, everybody!

Written by

Simon Lasselsberger

Founder Lasssim, Software Architecture and Development Expert

Written by

Simon Lasselsberger

Founder Lasssim, Software Architecture and Development Expert

Over the past ten years, I’ve worked with small startups as well as global companies like adidas, helped them implement their business ideas by creating technical plans and by guiding their development teams through projects. The proudest I am about the success we had with Runtastic. They got acquired by adidas in 2015 for €220 million.

Contact me anytime!

Software Architecture and Development Expert